Giving PGS

The symbol to the left will be familiar to smartphone users, perhaps less so to other folk, but it is a new way for members of All Saint's Lydd, and anyone else, to give to our church.  Scan it with your phone’s camera, tap ‘Open’ and you have reached the website of the Parish Giving Service (PGS), which has been adopted by most of the parishes in the Church of England as the most flexible, effective and secure way for people to support their church’s finances.  You are given the option of a one-off payment or a regular contribution monthly, quarterly or annually – the amount is up to you.  If you are a taxpayer you can opt to pay by Gift Aid, which adds 25% to your gift at no additional cost to you.


This symbol below (it’s known as a QR code) takes you directly to the section of PGS devoted to All Saint's Lydd.  You can also get there by Googling ‘Parish Giving Service’, or by phone (0333 002 1271), or by completing a paper form, available from our treasurer Joe Butterworth (01797 212028).

It cost £72,000 to run our two churches in 2022 and most of that money came from the regular gifts of members, offerings in church and several fund-raising events.  In 2023 we have to do it all again, so any extra help will be gratefully received.

Thursday 27th March
6:30pm - 7:30pm -
Tuesday 1st April
10:30am -
Sunday 6th April
9:00am - 10:00am -
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