
Our Services

Alternate Wednesday Evening 6.30pm Holy Communion.

3rd Sunday of Month – 6.30pm Sung Evensong

When there is a fifth Sunday, we have a Benefice Communion Service which moves around the benefice churches.




St Augustine's church at Brookland was built c1260 to replace an open framed structure built in the 12th century.

St Augustine's is best known for its odd, detached bell tower, made entirely from wood, sitting alongside. The tower is octagonal, and has a conical roof of three diminishing flounces. It was built separate from the church because it was felt that the marshy ground could not take the weight of both the church building and its six bells.

The bell tower is believed to have been changed from a square to an octagonal plan in 1450 when it was also clad for the first time. The cedar cladding we see today dates from 1936. 

The church posesses an excellent font made around 1200. It is circular and made of lead.

There are two courses of decoration: the upper course shows the signs of the zodiac, and on the lower course the agricultural labours appropriate to each month of the year are depicted. On an arch above each labour, the month, in early French, is shown.

On the east end of the south wall of the south chapel is the surviving part of a painting depicting the martyrdom of Thomas Becket in 1170; this was discovered in 1964, and is thought to have been painted in the second half of the 13th century.



See a 3D tour of the church here.

Church Officers

Church Warden Mrs Maureen Akers, 01797 344628

Reverend Shuna Body, 01797 343977.


St Augustine's church Brookland, TN29 9QR



Blessing of the lambs



Thursday 27th March
6:30pm - 7:30pm -
Tuesday 1st April
10:30am -
Sunday 6th April
9:00am - 10:00am -
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