Our Ministry Team

Team Rector

Rev. Chris Hodgkins

The Vicarage,

North Street,
New Romney
TN28 8DR
Telephone:(01797) 335003

Day off - Friday


Team Vicar
Rev'd Jack Greenhalf
The Rectory
Park Street
TN29 9AY

Tel: 07878 306842

E:mail: fr.jackg@gmail.com

Day off: Tuesday


Associate Vicar

Rev. Jacky Darling

Telephone: 07484224973

email: jacky.darling@aol.com

Work days: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.


Associate Vicar

Rev. Shuna Body MBE

Telephone: 01797 343977

email: shunabody@hotmail.com

Full time employed so be patient for a reply


PTO (retired clergy with permission to officiate)

Rev. Canon Sheila McLachlan

Rev. Mike Gooch

Rev. Canon David Parrott


Licenced Lay Ministers (Readers)

George Faulks Tel:  email: george@justasiam.co.uk

Les Carter  Tel: 01797320108  email: readerles@btinternet.com

June Noakes Tel: : 01797 367995 email: Jdnoakes66@outlook.com

Penny Lowe Tel: 07810717408  email: pslowe9@gmail.com

Des Ellis Tel. 07882 754699 email: ellis_des@yahoo.co.uk

Sandra Ellis Tel. 07557 760040 email: sandrayardley101@yahoo.co.uk


Other Lay Ministers

Christine Clark

Helen Sanderson

Penny Mackrell


Web Manager

David Parrott

email: dwparrott01@gmail.com


Thursday 27th March
6:30pm - 7:30pm -
Tuesday 1st April
10:30am -
Sunday 6th April
9:00am - 10:00am -
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