
Whatever the age, Baptism is the symbolic start of the Christian pilgrimage through life. When it is a baby being baptised (also called a Christening) there is the added celebration of thanking God for a new life, and seeking his blessing on them as they grow up. When it is an adult being baptised, they are able to make the promises for themselves, and it is a wonderful opportunity to ‘stand up and be counted’ as a Christian.

What does Baptism stand for?

From the Bible we understand that Baptism stands for forgiveness. As the water is poured, it is a picture of God washing away our sins. None of us is perfect (even small children don't need to be taught to misbehave!) and as we grow up we go on doing the wrong things in life, even if we are better at keeping it secret! The fact is, we all need forgiveness. When Jesus died on the cross, he took our sin and its penalties on himself ­ so we could go free and be part of his family. All we need to do is accept that forgiveness for ourselves.
Baptism also stands for New Life.
It was warmer in the land where Jesus lived, and the first Christians baptised in open water. Coming up out of the water and putting on new clothes was a symbol of entering new life. Our Baptism reflects that same idea of God giving new life by his Holy Spirit.

But why baptise babies?

In the Bible we read of whole households being baptised. It would be unfair not to include children when we know Jesus' love for them. So we welcome and baptise them, and pray that in due course they will come to faith for themselves, showing it in being Confirmed when they are older. In asking for children to be baptised, we hope that the parents (or at least one parent) are sincerely hoping that their family will grow up to find forgiveness and new life in Jesus. This is where the promises come in. Parents and Godparents promise to try and follow Jesus in their own lives, and intend to bring the child up
in a Christian way.


What does it mean in practice?

You will be promising to bring them up in the Christian way.

This includes:

  • Praying for them
  • Teaching them about Jesus; what he has done for us all and how he would like us to live.
  • Setting them a good example of Christian living, both at home and at Church.
  • May we recommend that you come to a church service or join us at Messy Church when they are old enough so that they may start to become part of the Christian Church.

All Baptisms are to be booked through our baptism administrator Ann Rolfe 01797 362719. Give her a ring and she will help you set something up.

Tuesday 22nd October
10:30am -
Wednesday 23rd October
9:30am -
Thursday 24th October
3:00pm -
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